Untitled (2013, Maguey)
Viva Paredes
17.5" x 23"
4-Color poster, Handprinted Screenprint on Domtar Archival Paper, Printed in Oakland, California, 2013
Viva's works mainly with glass sculptures which deals with issues of curanderismo and sacred medicines, her bio mentions "Viviana continues her grandmother’s tradition of healing by creating artwork that explores the sacred space of ancestral memory, culture, and linguistic history”. In the past we have seen work in a couple galleries and fell in love with the way she used traditional objects and medicines as part of her art to show the importance of these things in our culture and show how these objects are sacred when used in everyday life or as art objects.
Viva's print deals with issues of migration and death, dealing specifically with the women who die in the desert while crossing into the United States. Viva uses the maguey as the lone witness to women who die alone in the dessert, with a wound itself the maguey also represents these women. Around the border of the print there are also names and ages of women who have passed away while attempting to cross the dessert. This is a very moving print, it deals with a very sad issue. but it is a very beautiful piece that pays tribute the women who are names as well as all those whose names will never be known.
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