Sembrando el Futuro (2014)


Institutional pricing (libraries, universities, for use on tv/movies etc). Contact us for invoicing: $260

Jesus Barraza
Photos by Melanie Cervantes and Jason Aragon
15 x 22 inches
9-Color, Hand pulled, Screenprint, Lenox Art Paper, Printed in San Leandro CA 2014

There a limited number of Artist Proofs (APs) available. The APs are what I am currently selling.

This print reflects on the solidarity that exist between struggles happening in places like Chiapas and Oakland, where there are movements happening of people coming together to organize their community to build a sustainable future.

This print was created for a porfolio called called Un-settling Alliances. It is a themed portfolio that was organized to debut at the Southern Graphics Council’s 42nd Annual Conference: Bridges: Spanning Tradition, Innovation and Activism.

This portfolio brings together eleven artists of varied generations, backgrounds, and relationships to anti-colonialism to focus on connections and alliances across struggles for self-determination, decolonization, and collective liberation. Drawing from the work of printmakers who engage in social, political and cultural themes, this project hopes to visualize and build cross-movement relationships. The project debuted at the 2014 SGCI conference in San Francisco in March.

Artist who participated in the portfolio include: Jesus Barraza :: Annie Morgan Banks :: Paper Buck :: Melanie Cervantes ::
Juan Fuentes :: Ronnie Goodman ::Art Hazelwood :: Nancy Hom :: Mazatl ::Emmanuel C. Montoya :: Chip Thomas